
Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30th

On this day – November 30th 1982 – Thriller was released

The second solo album from Michael Jackson was called Thriller. With hits like "Thriller", "Beat it" and "Billie Jean" went on to sell 65 million copies, thus making it the best selling album of all time. At its peak the Album sold one million copies worldwide per week. The album was awarded eight Grammy awards in 1984 including Album of the Year. Thriller was the first album to successfully use music videos as a promotional tool. The music video for the "Thriller" track was 14 minutes long and it has been called the best music video ever. 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

November 29th

On this day – November 29th 1972 – Atari announces the release of Pong 

Pong was not the first video game but it was the first truly successful. It is a simple game that imitates a game of tennis. The first version was just two paddles on each end of the screen, a line dividing the middle,scores on the side of each player, and a ball. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

November 28th

On this day – November 28th 1919 – Lady Astor elected member of Parliament

In December 1918 Constance Markievicz was elected as the first woman to sit in Parliament in the house of Commons, but she did not take the seat in the spirit of Sinn Fèin policy. It was the next year in 1919 Lady Astor (Nancy Witcher Langhorne Astor) took her seat in the house of Commons as the first woman in Parliament history. Lady Astor served as a representative for the conservative party and held her seat until 1945 where she was persuaded to step down. Lady Astor had not been connected to the woman's suffrage movement and Markievicz critiqued her as being "of the upper class, out of touch". Her stance against alcohol consumption made her campaign harder and the lack of knowledge about local issues made it worse. The appeal of Astor's campaign became her earlier work with Canadian soldiers, her charitable work, her financial resources and her ability to improvise. She became known for her wit and her ability to turn the tables on any heckler. 
There are several quotes that are attributed to her and this is some of our favourites:  

"I married beneath me. All woman do" 

"We women talk too much, but even then we don't tell half what we know."

"The only thing I like about rich people is their money."

Friday, November 27, 2015

November 27th

On this day – November 27th 1895 – Alfred Nobel signes his will

Alfred Nobel invented 350 patented items but is most known for inviting dynamite. Nobel filed for his first patent in 1857 at age 24, his first Swedish patent was granted in 1863. Alfreds father was also an inventer and the family firm produced armaments for the Crimean war. Alfred focused on the study of explosives and especially on nitroglyserin. In 1863 he invented a detonator and in 1865 he designed the blasting cap. His younger brother died in an accident where a shed for preparing nitroglycerin exploded, four other died in the accident. Nobel pushed on and focused on improving the stability of the explosives. In 1867 he succeed and created dynamite. In 1888 Alfreds brother Ludvig died and french newspapers published Alfreds obituary. The obituary condemned him for the invention of dynamite and stated "The merchant of death is dead". The bleak picture painted of Alfred bothered him and he decided that his aftermath should be better. His solution was to create different prices where the peace prize is the most known. The other prizes are for physical science, chemistry, medicinal science and literary work in an ideal direction. It was this day in 1895 in the Swedish-Norwegian club in Paris Alfred signed his will where 94% of his assets would go to the prizes. The assets were worth 31,225,000 Swedish Kroner that is when adjusting for inflation 3.1 billion Swedish Kroner in 2012 (472 million USD, 337 EUR). He died of a stroke a year later in 1896. 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

November 26th

On this day – November 26th 1942 – The first viewing of the movie Casablanca

Casablanca is a romantic movie set in Casablanca during the Second World War. It had its premier in New York on November 26th and was released nationally on January 23, 1942. Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman and Paul Henreid play the main characters in the movie. Apparently, Paul Henreid Laszlo never got along well with his co-actors. The movie was based on an unproduced stage play with the title “Everyone comes to Ricks”. The filming started in May and finished in August, just a few months later. Most of the movie was shot at Warner Bros. studio, although one scene was shot at Van Nuys Airport.

The participants in the creation of the movie did not expect it to become anything spectacular, it was seen as just another Hollywood movie at the time. It did however win three Oscars (academy award) for best picture, director and adapted screenplay at the time. The movie, the theme song and memorable lines have today become iconic, and the movie have several times ranked high on all-time best movie lists.

The Song “As times goes by” was a part of the original stage play, and although the composer for the movie, Max Steiner, wanted to compose his own theme song, was this (luckily) not done. The reason was simply because Ingrid Bergman had cut her hair short for her next role, and the scene could not be re-shot.

The quote “Round up the usual suspects” inspired the title for the movie “The Usual Suspects” from 1995.   

Casablanca can be bought or viewed here

Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine -Rick (Humphrey Bogart)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 25th

On this day – 25th November 1947 – The first systematic Hollywood blacklist was instituted.

The Hollywood blacklist was a part of the anti-communism, or red scare, in the US. Hollywood members who committed to, or were assumed too, having been a part of the communist party was denied entertainment job in Hollywood, and thus they carer suffered.

The first names on the list were mentioned in a column called "A vote fore Stalin" and it was published by William R. Wilkerson. Wilkerson published new names in August and September and the list became known as "Billy's list" or "Billy's blacklist. Years later in 2012, Wilkerson's son apologized for the part the newspaper played. He said his father was driven by revenge since he could not realize his ambition to own a studio. On the 24th of November were ten Hollywood members held in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify. They were collectively known as the Hollywood 10. They had relied on the right of freedom of speech and on freedom of thought, but their defence failed. They were sentenced to jail for between 6 months and one year, and fined for up too 1000$. On the 25th of November were therefore the first systematic blacklist in Hollywood instituted. It was not illegal to be a member of the communist party, and today the whole investigation can be said to have been questionable. In general, the whole "McChartyism", or scare for communism in the US at the time can be said to have been rather questionable. Although, perhaps not Americas proudest part of history, it is however, we believe, an important part of history which should not be forgotten about.

The blacklist lasted until 1960 when Dalton Trumbo, a Communist Party member from 1943 to 1946, was credited as screenwriter in the film Exodus.

The Hollywood Ten

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November 24th

On this day – 24th of November 1859 – Darwin’s “on the origin of the species” were published

Charles Darwin’s book, On the Origin of Species, are considered to be the foundation of evolutionary theory. It has therefore been a tremendous important boo for how human development is understood today. The book advanced the theory of evolution through natural selection. The books original title was “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the struggle for life”. It had a first printing of 1250 books, which each costed 15 shilling. A second addition of 3000 copies were ready for sale already by January 1860, due to the books popularity.


Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23rd

On this day - 23th November 2005 - The first female president elected in Africa

Ellen Johnson Sirleat was declared the winner of the presidential election in Liberia on the 23th of November 2005. This made her the first female to be elected as president in any African country. She was inaugurated on the 16th of January 2006. Sirleat had been involved in politics long before she won the election. She had worked as the financial minister of Liberia from 1997 to 1980 and she placed second the president election in 1997. In 2005 won she the election and she became the 24th president of Liberia. In 2011 she won the Nobel peace award jointly with Gbowee from Liberia and Karman from Yemen for their non-violent struggle for women’s rights. She also won the re-election for the role as president in 2011, a positions she still holds. 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

November 22nd

On this day – 22 November 1995 – Toy Story was released

Toy Story , the movie about Andy’s toys, were released in the US exactly 20 years ago. It was the first full feature computer animated movie to be released. It was produced by Pixar and released by Walt DisneyPictures. Disney Pictures had approached Pixar after they had published a short movie from a toys perspective in 1988 and that’s how the cooperation between the two started. In 1993 was the first half of the movie pre-screened for Disney executives. This was a huge failure and the production was shot down and halted for a period of time. During this time contributed Steve Jobs to the continuation of the movie with his own personal founding. He was involved in the movie through his involvement and ownership in Pixar.

The main characters in Toy Story, Woody and Buzz Lightyear, were voiced by Tom Hanks and Tim Allen. Toy Story Made earned over 361 Dollar worldwide and the story has later been developed into two sequels as well (released in 1999 and 2010). A third sequel is in the planning and might be released by 2018. We are looking forward to it, are you?  

“To Infinity and Beyond”  
Toy Story

Saturday, November 21, 2015

November 21st

On this day – 21st of November 1974 – The Birmingham Pub Bombings

The Birmingham Pub Bombings was several explosions in pubs in Birmingham, United Kingdom. A total of 21 people were killed in the explosions, while another 182 were injured. The Provisional Irish Republican Army were most likely the terrorist behind the attack, although they never officially claimed responsibility. They had previously conducted act of terrorism on English land with the goal of getting the British government to withdraw from Northern Ireland. The bombing in Birmingham led to considerable anti-Irish sentiment in UK, and several Irish people living in the area experienced violent attacks against themselves. Six Irishmen were sentenced to life in prison after the attack, but their case were overthrown in 1991 due to unsatisfactory convictions. This attack is the deadliest terror attack in UK between WW2 and the London Bombing in 2005. It is also seen as one of the worst cases of injustice in UK history.

This terrorist attack is not the only deadly result of the conflict between England and Ireland on the 21st of November. In 1920 were 31 people killed in Dublin as a part of the Irish war for independence.  

One of the pubs after the bombings 

Friday, November 20, 2015

November 20th

On this day – 20th November 1945 – The beginning of the Nuremberg trials

The Nuremberg trials were a series of trials against 23 of the most prominent Nazi-Germany leaders during the Second World War. The trials were held in Nuremberg in Germany, thereby the name. They lasted from the 20th of November 1945 to the 1st of October 1946. On the 16th of October in 1946 were those who were sentenced to death, hanged. Lesser war-criminals were tried and sentenced later, in a different trial. The trial was agreed to, and arranged, by the allied forces (UK, USA. Soviet). Out of the 24 prosecuted were 12 sentenced to death. Those who were sentenced to prison served their time in Spandau Prison in Berlin. This prison was destroyed after its last prisoner, Rudolf Hess, committed suicide in 1987. Nuremberg trial was the first international war trial. The main criticism against the trials were that the crimes were only defined as crimes, after they were committed, creating a "victors justice".
The accused from the trial in Nuremberg

Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 19th

On this day - 19th November 1998 - Started impeachment hearings against Bill Clinton

Former President Bill Clinton had a sexual relationship with a White House employee, Monica Lewinsky. On this day the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives started the impeachment hearings in light of the extra-marital affair. The impeachment charges were perjury and obstruction of justice. Bill Clinton was acquitted of all charges after a 21 day long Senate trail. President Clinton denied the affair at first with the famous words "...I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky...". President Clinton later admitted that he did have an "improper physical relationship". Miss Lewinsky was given immunity in exchange for her testimony. The impeachment hearings were the second against a president, if you don´t count Nixon who resigned his office before he could be impeached. Bill Clinton`s wife Hillary Clinton stood by her husband throughout the scandal and she is now one of the candidates for the Democratic party for the next presidential election.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November 18th

On this day - 18th November 1920 - Calico Jack was hanged. 

The Englishman John Rackham was hanged as a pirate. Rackham was mostly known as Calico Jack, and his contribution to piracy was the Jolly Roger flag. The Jolly Roger flag is what is most commonly associated as the pirate flag. Rackham was also known for having two females among his crew, Mary Read and his lover Anne Bonny. Legend says that Bonny was allowed to see Rackham one last time where she supposedly said:
"I'm sorry to see you here, but if you had fought like a man, you need not have hanged like a dog."
Rackham has been featured in the game Assassins Creed: Black Flag and the tv series Black Sails.

Jack Rackham

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

november 17th

On this day – 17th of November 1939 – 9 students were executed in Prague (International students day)

A Czech student, Opletal, was killed in an anti-Nazi demonstration on the 11th of November, and his funeral led to huge student demonstrations in Prague. This again led Nazi-Germany to storm the universities in Czech and close them down. Nine students and professors were executed, without trial, on the 17th of November, while another 1200 Czech students were sent to German concentration camps. Today the 17th of November is celebrated as the International Students Day in many countries in remembrance of the events in Prague.  The day was first marked in 1941 by the International Students Council in London. On November 17th 1989 was a huge demonstration held in Prague in memory of the events 50 years earlier. The demonstration and the aftermath helped spark the “velvet revolution” in Czechoslovakia. 

Jan Opletal, the murdered student whos funeral led to more demonstrations

Monday, November 16, 2015

November 16th

On this day – 16th November 2001 – The first Harry Potter movie was released

The first premier of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s /Sorceress’s Stone had been on November 4th in London. The general premier in UK and USA was on the 16th of November, 14 years ago. Warner Bros had bought the right to the book for 1million£ in 1999. The production started in 2000, and it 2001 was the first movie released. J.K Rowling, the author, had required the whole cast in the movies to be either British or Irish. The director of the movie was Columbus who was known for Home Alone and Ms. Doubtfire previously. Steven Spielberg had also negotiated with Warner Bros about being the director, but he declined the offer because he wanted the movie to be an animation with an American actor as the voice of Harry Potter.

What do you think of the adoption of the book into the movie? Leave us your comments!