On this day - April 9th 1940 - Vidkun Quisling and Nazi-Germany occupied Norway
Norway was occupied by Germany in the early morning of April 9th 1940. The Germany attack happened both by air and sea and since Norway's military defense was rather poor at the time was the occupation an easy quest for the much stronger German army. The Norwegian army and resistance managed to sink the German ship Blücher and the government managed to get escape. The occupying German forces had expected Norway to surrender, but after much discussion decided the government that they would not give into German demands. Germany and Quisling decided thereafter to start a military coup and Quisling announced himself as the new Prime Minister over Norwegian radio. Norway was occupied until the end of the war, when Quisling was sentenced to death for his betrayal. You can read about his death sentence on October 24th here.If you want to know mor about the events during the occupation and the resistance against Germany recommend we the movie "Max Manus: Man of War (English Subtitled)
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