Donald Duck, the famous Walt Disney cartoon figure, made is debut in "The Wise Little Hen", a 7 minute long movie. The story is about Donald Duck and his friend Peter Pig who tried to avoid work by faking stomach aches. The cartoon was published in the US on June 9th. Donald rose to his fame for the next two decades and the cartoon was a part of over 150 theatrical movies. He got his own film series in 1937 and it was in those films that Daisy Duck was introduced. The name Donald Duck might have come from the Australian cricket player "Donald Bradman" who were touring the US at the time Walt Disney created Donald Duck. Clarence Nash voiced Donald from the first movie and until his death in 1985. He has also voiced Tom in Tom & Jerry and convinced Walt Disney to pick him for Donald's voice after an audition. Donald Duck has been voiced by Tony Anselmo since Nash's death.
Copyright: Walt Disney Studios |
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