
Thursday, November 26, 2015

November 26th

On this day – November 26th 1942 – The first viewing of the movie Casablanca

Casablanca is a romantic movie set in Casablanca during the Second World War. It had its premier in New York on November 26th and was released nationally on January 23, 1942. Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman and Paul Henreid play the main characters in the movie. Apparently, Paul Henreid Laszlo never got along well with his co-actors. The movie was based on an unproduced stage play with the title “Everyone comes to Ricks”. The filming started in May and finished in August, just a few months later. Most of the movie was shot at Warner Bros. studio, although one scene was shot at Van Nuys Airport.

The participants in the creation of the movie did not expect it to become anything spectacular, it was seen as just another Hollywood movie at the time. It did however win three Oscars (academy award) for best picture, director and adapted screenplay at the time. The movie, the theme song and memorable lines have today become iconic, and the movie have several times ranked high on all-time best movie lists.

The Song “As times goes by” was a part of the original stage play, and although the composer for the movie, Max Steiner, wanted to compose his own theme song, was this (luckily) not done. The reason was simply because Ingrid Bergman had cut her hair short for her next role, and the scene could not be re-shot.

The quote “Round up the usual suspects” inspired the title for the movie “The Usual Suspects” from 1995.   

Casablanca can be bought or viewed here

Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine -Rick (Humphrey Bogart)

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